Campaigns in Action

Our mission to protect North Carolina’s waterways become actionable campaigns that serve to benefit your community.

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Swimming Upstream: The State of North Carolina’s Waters

Swimming Upstream: The State of North Carolina’s Waters is the first comprehensive report that details the work of Riverkeepers across North Carolina. This state has a proud history of environmental protection. However, 2016 was a year of vast devastation and increased pollution, from storms, the burgeoning hog and chicken industries, coal ash and other chemicals and abuses. Contributing to the problem were environmental officials who turned a blind eye to the problems and were slow to respond to issues. Combine this with State government that attempted to roll back protections and you have a state where Riverkeepers had to work harder than ever to protect our waters.

Click below to read the report:

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Sludge In Our Waters

“Sludge In Our Waters” is a report from Waterkeepers Carolina that investigates how industrial chemicals in municipal wastewater sewage sludge contaminate surface waters in North Carolina when the sludge runs off of agricultural fields into streams. Accompanying the report is a new mapping tool that shows locations of permitted sludge fields in North Carolina; the map also has an overlay of river basins and other features.

The map below is a resource to explore the watersheds of North Carolina, particularly with regard to the impacts of sludge spreading and its land application fields throughout the state. Want to see if a field is near you?

Type in your address. You can turn layers on and off in the box to the right. Scroll up and down to see the legend and various other tools and viewing options. Click on the filter to highlight certain features by your search criteria. Click again on an icon in the gray box to collapse the box.

Click the link below to read the report.